THWAP is a doomlike fps, simplified to make for a fun fast-paced slaying experience. The player simultaneously uses 3 weapons against a small variety of monsters.
This project was started as a learning experience; making a full though simple game will give us some experience in all the fields required.

Impforest (working name) is an immersive sandbox fps created to let you live through the mind of a child and his imagination.
Entering a forest and equipping yourself with only a stick, you start to see creatures emerging from the sky, your stick transforming into a fantastic weapon, and all kinds of magical happenings occuring purely for your entertainment.

A prototype we've started work on, Mega Riff Death Master is an attempt to make a guitar-hero-esque brawler. The player can be controlled in movement, and attacks when he hits a note. Combos can be done with extra guitar solos.

For the 7hour-fps jam, though it ended up taking 14 hours and being several days late, we finally completed this game. In a few weeks we'll be updating it with less bugs and more features. Will compile native builds for all systems soon.

Currently being rapidly developed for the 7 day fps game jam. Plan attacks by seeing through walls, stun enemies with thrown weapons, and chance upon the allmighty "wallhack laser".